Liliane Desjarins
Liliane Desjardins lives in Austin, TX and has spent a lifetime working with individuals and families dealing with addiction. She has
worked with kids as young as 16 in her 4 day and 12 week addiction programs and has been a huge resource to families as they learn
how to have honest and open communication and support each other in the cessation of addictions.
Liliane is a Certified Clinical Addiction Specialist. She is renowned for her highly successful and innovative work and the
Desjardins Unified Model of Treatment of Addictions. She is the co-founder of Pavillon Gilles Desjardins in Val David,
Quebec, Canada, a center for treatment of Addiction Interaction Disorder. She is also co-founder of Pavillon International a
center for Substance Treatment in NC. Liliane has 35 years of experience in clinical work.
Liliane has a profound and passionate dedication to her work, which is rooted in 39 years of personal recovery. Liliane is a
proven leader in the healing of emotions and deep seated imprints and self-defeating belief systems and addictions. She has
brought hope and healing to thousands. She is an international speaker, workshop leader and has appeared on numerous educational
TV programs. With humor, expertise and compassion Liliane creates the necessary elements for transformation, as well as the desire
and strength needed for individuals to change and lead more effective and healthy lives.
More information about Liliane Desjarins