Finoa Luca Author of Futureproof Your Kids<sup>©</sup>, essential reading in the era of Social Media

Fiona Lucas is the founder and CEO of iRespectOnline®

Fiona Lucas is the founder and CEO of iRespectOnline® and creator of the Four Rs Reputation Framework© a simple four-step framework to help parents guide their children as they enter the world of social media, the internet and mobile technology.

Fiona is a Social Media & Online Reputation Educator and recognised as a thought leader in the area of cybersafety. The Australian based author of Futureproof Your Kids© is focussed on closing the digital divide and empowering parents to feel confident in the online space.

With education and open communication, she believes that the online world can be a safer and more supportive environment for all. It starts with recognition of the importance of protecting children’s reputations online and building awareness for issues around online bullying and mental health.

Fiona is a passionate advocate for social change in the way we perceive the advanced communication technologies in today’s world and a firm believer in the need for a ground up proactive approach to issues around cybersafety.

The driving motivation is Fiona’s deep interest in ethics, good governance and trust-based relationship-building in the online space and her own experience of bullying both as a child and later in life.

Fiona is a speaker and presenter in the field of online cybersafety and reputation and etiquette. As a partner of the Australian governnment’s Stay Smart Online National Cyber Safety program she regularly presents seminars on online safety. Fiona has spoken at many conferences including Healthy Geelong (mental health) and No 2 Bullying Conference.

Fiona Lucas works with families, schools, school leavers, community organisations, government groups and business to help teach awareness about cybersafety, online etiquette and online reputation.

Fiona was a finalist in the inaugural 2013 awards as one of the top 50 women to watch online.

The mother of two adult children who have grown up with the internet, gaming and the evolution of smart phones, and Aunt to nephews aged 3 and 7, Fiona is well placed to understand first hand issues that parents and families have to deal with.

Fiona is a qualified trainer & Assessor (Certificate IV TAE), social media strategist, blogger, mentor and previously worked in education for 15 years as a Strategic Finance/HR Business Manager. She was deeply involved in many school-based committees. Her qualifications include Bachelor of Commerce degree and Associate Certified Practising Accountant (CPA). She also participated in the Pilot program 7 Graces of Marketing in 2013

Fiona says, ‘I have always been someone passionate about helping others to grow and equally passionate about ethics and transparency, and the online environment continually was showing me that there are some real gaps in the way we are engaging online, which often has damaging results – not just for our youth either, many adults are suffering also”.

future proof your kids in the age of social media
Futureproof Your Kids© is available exclusively here.

About the book:

The definitive guide, Futureproof Your Kids© takes a positive and proactive approach to tackling issues parents are struggling with. We need to be concerned and aware, but not to instil fear and a “shut it down” approach. Social Media, the internet and mobile devices are not going away, they are only going to evolve further.

The internet and social media can be a vibrant and amazing learning space if we ensure that not just children, but parents are empowered to feel confident and understand the new “playground”. Allowing your child to learn how to use the internet, smartphones, tablets , computers and social media without being there is like putting a 2 year old behind the wheel of a car and letting them drive away alone!.

Futureproof Your Kids© helps parents learn how to:
  • navigate the online world
  • develop their child’s ability to question what they see and do online
  • teach their children how to handle themselves in the online environment
  • encourage good social etiquette
  • encourage their children to protect and respect their online reputation.